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The owner of Everstack also hosts a popular software development podcast called The Unhandled Exception Podcast. Focusing on technologies like dotnet, Azure, Docker, Kubernetes, and general developer good practices.


.NET Oxford

We are very proud organizers and sponsors of the very popular .NET Oxford user group. Helping build a community of .NET developers in and around Oxfordshire.

For more information on how we're involved in .NET Oxford, please see our founder's blog posts for detailed writeups of each of our events.

dotnetoxford.com meetup.com twitter

Azure Oxford

As well as .NET Oxford, we also organizer and sponsor the Azure Oxford user group. Azure is Microsoft's Cloud platform.

azureoxford.com meetup.com twitter


Founded by Dan Clarke in 2011, Everstack has grown from a part-time company - to running full-time with multiple happy clients. High quality code and constant improvement is very important to us, and we strive to deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients.

Dan has been developing commercially for over twenty years, and has a wealth of software development knowledge behind him. You can find out more about him on both his personal blog and his LinkedIn profile.

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